Friday, January 23, 2009

Maddy is 8 months old!

Nooo! It's going to faaaast! Ugh. She is so much stinkin fun right now, I don't want her to get any older. I feel like I say that every month, and she just gets more and more fun. She is now rolling around in her crib, which is making naptime a bit difficult. Right away she is on her belly playing, and then fusses after about 30 minutes or so because her face is crammed ina corner or her hand or foot is stuck in the slats. Then I go in and roll her back over and then hopefully she falls asleep. Or she falls asleep on her tummy, which is huge since we're trying to roud out that head of hers. It's like there is too much to check out when she is on her tummy. It's adorable to go in there and see her chilling on her belly, but definitely disrupting the all-too-important schedule. I figure she'll be bored of it in a week and go back to normal. Hopefully. This video was taken the night of her 8 month birthday, in her sleep sack ready for bed.

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