Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sweet Potatoes for my Sweet

Maddy went to the doctor yesterday to have her flat head checked out. Turns out she doesn't need a helmet (thank you lord baby jesus) and that it will round out on its own. Whew. They also said to start her on veggies. Yay! We're starting with sweet potatoes. She was thoroughly disgusted with them in the morning, but by afternoon she realized that sweet taters are awesome. I also had lots of questions about her schedule. I had been trying to work her towards a 2.5 nap, 4 hour schedule and it wasn't working. She was always tired and cranky and eating too much when it went awry. Doc said to go back to following her nap schedule a bit more and not tie her feeding schedule to her nap schedule. First day went well - she was a happy baby all day, had her veggies and oatmeal. Joined us at Amber's for some Mexican with her Gunther grandparents. Excellent day.

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