Friday, October 17, 2008

The Morrells Babysit

Johnny and I went to our friends Gary and Kristi's wedding on a boat in Newport on Saturday night and the Morrell ladies came over to babysit. They always take the best pics....

Maddy's Grammie got her this head bow thingy. Suh cute. I picture her shimmying her shoulders and singing Copacabana.
I love her smile...
Come here, I wanna eat you.
Give me that toy, I want to eat it.
We have more milk, right? Right? You were just playin'?
Again - Come here, I want to eat you.

1 comment:

crabbycakes said...

Har de har har!! I love the pic and comment about no more milk. I'm sure you'll be seeing that expression plenty in her teens.

Madison Grace is THE most beautiful baby on urf.