When we got home, I took her temperature and it was 100.4. This isn't that high, but it is her first real fever and first real throw up. I was terrified. I called the on-call nurse who said to give her pedialyte and no dairy and just keep an eye on her. The next morning it had turned into a nasty cold with a runny nose and horrible cough. She rolled around the family room all week with her "lovey" (a supersoft little lamb blanket) and her paci, both of which she never uses outside of her crib. I felt so horrible that she didn't feel good, but I did enjoy a lovey little baby wanted to be cozy with me all the time.
Inevitably her germs rubbed off on me, laying me up for a few days. We are both on the mend today. She got some penicillin this morning for an ear infection and I just keep living on Advil.
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