Monday, June 8, 2009

Maddy in the Buff

Just a little naked time. She's had a little diaper rash, so she's been toddling around the kitchen nude quite a bit.

More Outside Playtime

Now that it's getting warmer Maddy has been spending more and more time outside. Here are some pics of her exploring the back yard with some new toys.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Bikini Top

Maddy's Auntie Kara gave her the cutest bikini. I had to air out Maddy's bottom half after some pool time, so she played for a while bottom-less.

1st Birthday Party

Maddy had her first birthday party on May 23rd.

It was supposed to be Hawaiian Luau themed, but the only thing that ended up being themed was the food and Maddy's dress. I had a ton of decorations to put out, but the morning of the party was a few hours too short and I barely got us dressed in time. With 2 cats and 2 dogs, you can't really have anything out until they are put away. Note to self: next baby bday party, make a list, remember the time crunch.

Aside from the lack of decorations and me forgetting the 5 lbs of chicken nuggets in the freezer, the party was so much fun. There were 17 kids here under 3, most of which were one year olds. We had BBQ pork sandwiches, ham, cheese and pineapple kabobs, potawatomi pickles (thank you GG), and lots of goldfish and cheerios. Maddy dove right into the cake and threatened to finish it off until we replaced it with a tiny cupcake. Then it was off to the bath and a nap while the rest of her friends straggled out.


Monday, June 1, 2009

My little sickie

I have videos to post from her birthday party, but that will have to wait. My poor princess is sick! It started last Tuesday. We ran errands all day and when we got to the grocery store at 3:00, she threw up in the grocery cart all over herself and the shopping cart cover. All I had in the car was an extra sweater, and we had to get her some milk and dinner stuff, so we went in with her bottom half wrapped in a blanket and a sweater on top. She seemed to feel ok, but was starving. I grabbed some Gerber puffs and fed them to her while we shopped.

When we got home, I took her temperature and it was 100.4. This isn't that high, but it is her first real fever and first real throw up. I was terrified. I called the on-call nurse who said to give her pedialyte and no dairy and just keep an eye on her. The next morning it had turned into a nasty cold with a runny nose and horrible cough. She rolled around the family room all week with her "lovey" (a supersoft little lamb blanket) and her paci, both of which she never uses outside of her crib. I felt so horrible that she didn't feel good, but I did enjoy a lovey little baby wanted to be cozy with me all the time.

Inevitably her germs rubbed off on me, laying me up for a few days. We are both on the mend today. She got some penicillin this morning for an ear infection and I just keep living on Advil.