Friday, September 18, 2009

Week in Videos


Maddy's hair is getting so long! Sort of. Long for her, very short for a 16 month old. I tried some pig tails. They were a little crazy/messy, but I thought they were too cute.

Messy Maddy

Maddy has been trying to eat more independently. I appreciate the direction we're going in, but the path to get there is a messy one. She eats mostly finger foods that she feeds herself, but if she's not into the veggies we're having, I break out the baby vegetables and feed her with a spoon. For a whiel she was content with my scooping the food, then handing her the spoon to feed herself, but now she wants to scoop as well...and hold the container. This is how it ended up...

Since I'm a glutton for punishment, I made her blueberry pancakes the next morning.

Monday, September 14, 2009

While Daddy's Away...

Johnny was in Vegas all weekend for football's opening weekend so Maddy and I got to spend some fun time together. Each morning when Maddy woke up she joined me in bed for some juice and Sesame Street - a real treat for us since her pops is usually in the bed sleeping when Maddy wakes up. On Sunday Maddy's playdate pals got sick, so I was trying to figure out something else fun for little Missy to do. We ended up at lunch with her Auntie Kara and my mom, then over to Petsmart to visit all of the animals, and then to Kohl's where Maddys grandma got Maddy all set with fall/winter clothes. It's a little gloomy today, so she's wearing one of her new outfits today and looks way too cute. Pics to follow shortly, of course.
Here's some pics from Maddy on Saturday with my mom and sister.

Rancho Santa Margarita Lake

I've been taking Maddy to the Rancho Santa Margarita lake to run around, chase the ducks, and oggle the dogs. It's such a beautiful place for pictures, so I brought my camera. I didn't get many "good" shots - the ducks that are usually out of reach were all where we drive up, and so Maddy kept slipping in duck poop and then trying to taste it. Ick. She had a blast though. Now if I can just get her shoes back to white from green... A ton of pics are below, and I've got a lot more that I'll post to Shutterfly and share with the grandmas.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dancing Queen

Maddy loves her music and loves to shake her booty to the beat. We grabbed the video camera after she had been doing her turns for quite a while and missed the best of them unfortunately. She likes to turn with one arm stretched out in front of her face, very silly.

Maddy in the Buff

Maddy has had a nsaty diaper rash and spent a few days sans diaper. Poor thing would slip in her peeps if we weren't right next to her when she pee pee'd, so she had to wear socks and nothing else. Luckily when we took her to the doc a few days later, she gave us a great mixture to put on her bum that would save us from Maddy accidents.